Tuesday, 16 February 2010


I thought our lecture with Phillip Ball gave me a greater insight into musculature and proportion. Practising drawing using Ball's analytical system has helped me to place proportion more realistically and give depth into my drawings.

I began a number of life drawings, each time looking at them more closely regarding the underlying skeleton and its proportions. Making sure muscles lined up with the skeletal structure and so on. The lesson was also helpful with insight into giving depth to my drawings. The scientific style of Ball’s drawings and the level of accuracy and detail is something that I will be trying to incorporate into my own life drawings in future.
I also attended more life drawing classes with Sarah Beare. I was given some very useful exercises to work on my proportion and perspective. The exercises entailed me doing a quick succession of charcoal line drawings of the subject in a variety of dynamic poses.

The quick lines I was doing helped me to learn the proportion of the body rather than concentrate on the tonal properties. I was then instructed to quickly block out a silhouette of the subject just using chalk pastels and briefly add in dark areas with charcoal.


Again this exercise taught me to concentrate solely on the proportion of the lines.
Hopefully this will help me to improve my drawings and promote better accuracy in my sculpture work

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